Launch of Lyreco New Premises in Ireland

With half a century supporting businesses throughout Ireland, 2022 was the opportune time to raise Lyreco’s brand in the market while celebrating their new facility opening, their great team and their 50th milestone.

European leader and third largest distributor of workplace products and solutions, Lyreco operates in 25 countries globally. We worked with the Lyreco UK & Ireland team on an integrated campaign to announce the opening of their new facilities in Dublin.

The Lyreco Ireland facility launch provided an opportunity for the brand to target the B2B industry across public and private sectors in addition to highlighting their Lyreco Goodness CSR objectives. Our team worked with our client, developing an integrated campaign with objectives focused on – brand awareness; lead generation; growing website traffic; CSR and local community activations; increasing customer opt-ins to email; growing product sales and social media followers. 

With a lead-time of only eight weeks, we worked across our team’s expertise developing a core communications and marketing plan and timeline that centred on targeting Lyreco’s target audience. This work generated successful outputs across earned, owned, shared and paid media.

Media Relations

Originating of official opening press release targeting business, regional and logistics media. Developing media Q&A, spokesperson bios and identifying angles for media pitches. Securing media interviews with national and trade publications. Organising media drop to select outlets to mark opening celebrations.

Content Creation

Producing video and photo content for use on the brands owned and shared channels. Copywriting creation for website blog posts showcasing the legends of Lyreco Ireland; their team; profiling new facility features; Irish market customer case studies and CSR partnership. Developing social media content calendar for week of event with live posting including posts for sales team to use on LinkedIn.

Digital Solutions

Managing sponsored social media posts in addition to an exclusive giveaway targeting Irish B2B market. Developing Google PPC and YouTube 6-sec ad roll campaigns for Irish market in addition to video assets and display banner artwork.

Event Management

Planning and managing official opening covering timeline, ceremony format, tours of new facility, speech notes, photography and video briefs, guest invites and information, supplier liaison (catering; AV; props) and branding. Supporting Lyreco internal team for their team celebrations.

Influencer Relations

Engagement with key B2B and SME influencers, gifting a range of stationery products to mark the official opening and 50th year celebration.


Managing national broadcast business promotion on Newstalk 106-108fm to profile key messages and raise brand awareness. Planning and booking of advertorials across key national publications to extend reach of campaign.

Lyreco launch campaign won silver in B2B Communications category at the international PRGN 2022 Awards



National media coverage secured on RTE, Irish Independent, Handling Network, Business Plus, Business World, Newstalk 106-108fm, as well as regional outlets


150 brand mentions and 925 million OTS (Opportunities to See)


Increase in enquiries plus additional new customer wins


3.6 million reach across digital marketing activities with 8.8k click-throughs


Partnership secured with charity Pieta House as CSR activity in Ireland


Campaign won silver in B2B Communications category at the international PRGN 2022 Awards